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2024 Carver County Fair

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Viewing records 351-400 of 1435
Results last updated at: 03/14/2025 8:56 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 07: Registered Milking 5+ Year Old Doe
92 penegor, lyndsey 704 Blue Carver Independent - Carver County
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 09: Recorded and Unrecorded Grade Sr Doe Kid
94 Heldt, Will 727 Blue Carver New Horizons
92 penegor, lyndsey 3782 Blue Champion Carver Independent - Carver County
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 10: Recorded and Unrecorded Grade Dry Yearling Doe (never kidded)
94 Heldt, Will 728 Blue Reserve Champion Carver New Horizons
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 13: Recorded and Unrecorded Grade Milking 3-5 Year Old Doe
91 Penegor, Lucas 3781 Blue Carver New Horizons
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 14: Recorded and Unrecorded Grade Milking 5+ Year Old Doe
91 Penegor, Lucas 693 Blue Carver New Horizons
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat / 15: Mother- Daughter
93 Heldt, Brayden 713 Blue Reserve Champion Carver New Horizons
92 penegor, lyndsey 3481 Blue Champion Carver Independent - Carver County
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat Showmanship / 01: Grades 3-5
103 Kranz, Brooke 796 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Youngwood
93 Heldt, Brayden 894 Blue Champion Carver New Horizons
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat Showmanship / 02: Grades 6-8
91 Penegor, Lucas 692 Blue Champion Carver New Horizons
102 Kranz, Avery 797 Blue Carver Youngwood
94 Heldt, Will 895 Blue Reserve Champion Carver New Horizons
Dairy Goat / Dairy Goat Showmanship / 03: Grades 9+
92 penegor, lyndsey 703 Blue Champion Carver Independent - Carver County
Dog / Dog Training Show / 01: Agility-Pre-Agility
22 Nelson-Kumar, Ava 70 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
52 Smith, Samantha 343 Blue Carver Carver Coyotes
60 Higgins, Harper 438 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 02: Agility Beginner
14 Jones, Shaniah 2 Blue Champion Carver Busy Beavers
41 Rodenz, Erica 179 Blue Carver Independent - Carver County
49 Engesser, Annabelle 308 Blue Carver Sugar City
21 Hansen, Makenna 351 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 03: Agility Elementary
8 Romenesko, Mallory 278 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
8 Romenesko, Mallory 282 Red Carver Sugar City
9 DeVries, Flora 442 Red Carver Sugar City
67 Meis, Sawyer 497 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Mayer Riverside
Dog / Dog Training Show / 06B: Limited Agility
9 DeVries, Flora 450 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 07: Agility Jumpers 1A
14 Jones, Shaniah 3 Blue Carver Busy Beavers
41 Rodenz, Erica 180 Blue Carver Independent - Carver County
49 Engesser, Annabelle 309 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
21 Hansen, Makenna 352 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
9 DeVries, Flora 443 Blue Carver Sugar City
67 Meis, Sawyer 498 Blue Carver Mayer Riverside
Dog / Dog Training Show / 07B: Jumpers 1B
8 Romenesko, Mallory 281 Red Carver Sugar City
8 Romenesko, Mallory 285 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 10: Limited Jumpers
9 DeVries, Flora 451 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 11: Rally Foundation
22 Nelson-Kumar, Ava 71 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
52 Smith, Samantha 344 Blue Champion Carver Carver Coyotes
60 Higgins, Harper 440 Blue Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 12: Rally Pre-Novice
14 Jones, Shaniah 4 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Busy Beavers
41 Rodenz, Erica 181 Red Carver Independent - Carver County
49 Engesser, Annabelle 310 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 13: Rally Novice
8 Romenesko, Mallory 283 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
21 Hansen, Makenna 353 Red Carver Sugar City
67 Meis, Sawyer 499 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Mayer Riverside
Dog / Dog Training Show / 14: Rally Pre-Advance
9 DeVries, Flora 444 White Carver Sugar City
9 DeVries, Flora 447 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 15: Rally Advanced
8 Romenesko, Mallory 1 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
Dog / Dog Training Show / 20: Obedience Foundation Class
22 Nelson-Kumar, Ava 72 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
52 Smith, Samantha 345 Red Carver Carver Coyotes
21 Hansen, Makenna 354 Red Carver Sugar City