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2024 Carver County Fair

Fair Results Back

Viewing records 1051-1100 of 1435
Results last updated at: 03/14/2025 8:56 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Gardening / 05: Vegetable Plate
363 Nienhuis, Nya 3417 Blue Carver Sugar City
364 Nienhuis, Nash 3424 Blue Carver Sugar City
374 Palmer, Ava 3490 Blue Carver Waconia Whiz Kids
380 Peterson, Mikobella 3564 Blue Carver Mayer Riverside
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Gardening / 06: Largest Vegetable
4 Rademacher, Isaac 593 Blue Honorable Mention Carver Busy Beavers
102 Kranz, Avery 806 Blue Carver Youngwood
103 Kranz, Brooke 815 Blue Carver Youngwood
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1469 Blue Carver Mayer Riverside
31 Ebert , Riley 2178 Blue Carver Busy Beavers
291 Ische, Ella 2540 Blue Carver Youngwood
292 Ische, Mason 2549 Blue Carver Youngwood
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Veterinary Science
49 Engesser, Annabelle 318 Blue Honorable Mention Carver Sugar City
59 Barden, Katie 862 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
281 Lane, Maddie 2438 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Video / Filmmaking
363 Nienhuis, Nya 3421 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
364 Nienhuis, Nash 3429 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Sugar City
364 Nienhuis, Nash 3430 Blue Carver Sugar City
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Wildlife Biology and Management
59 Barden, Katie 863 Blue Champion Carver Sugar City
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1465 Blue Carver Mayer Riverside
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1466 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Mayer Riverside
General Projects / General Projects - All Classes / Youth Leadership
267 Boersma, Natalie 2323 Blue Champion Carver Mayer Riverside
202 Varble, John 3895 Blue Community Impact Award Carver
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / 3rd grade ARCHERY
380 Peterson, Mikobella 3569 White Carver Mayer Riverside
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / 3rd grade BB
380 Peterson, Mikobella 3570 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / Air Pistol
48 Muehlenhardt, Oliver 836 Blue Champion Carver Youngwood
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1478 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
31 Ebert , Riley 2243 Red Carver Busy Beavers
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / Air Rifle
48 Muehlenhardt, Oliver 837 White Carver Youngwood
20 Hartman, Levi 1443 White Carver Mayer Riverside
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1479 White Carver Mayer Riverside
31 Ebert , Riley 2244 White Carver Busy Beavers
210 Meis, Truett 2937 White Carver Mayer Riverside
67 Meis, Sawyer 2960 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
378 Peterson, Isaac 3551 White Carver Mayer Riverside
379 Peterson, Soma 3553 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / Archery Compound - Class C (freestyle unlimited)
95 Hayford, Maxwell 742 Blue Champion Carver Waconia Whiz Kids
48 Muehlenhardt, Oliver 840 Red Carver Youngwood
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1482 Blue Carver Mayer Riverside
209 Meis, Maddison 2913 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
67 Meis, Sawyer 2961 Blue Honorable Mention Carver Mayer Riverside
344 Pauly, Jaxson 3232 Blue Reserve Champion Carver Mayer Riverside
379 Peterson, Soma 3554 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
93 Heldt, Brayden 3936 Blue Carver
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / Archery Compound - Class A (barebows)
25 Zelinski, Logan 107 Red Carver New Horizons
230 Traver, Vyctor 1937 Red Carver Busy Beavers
31 Ebert , Riley 2245 Red Carver Busy Beavers
General Projects / Shooting Sports County Shoot Contest / BB
48 Muehlenhardt, Oliver 843 White Carver Youngwood
177 Brandenburg, Gavin 1484 Red Carver Mayer Riverside
31 Ebert , Riley 2250 Red Carver Busy Beavers
210 Meis, Truett 2939 Red Carver Mayer Riverside