Welcome to the Des Moines County 4-H/FFA FairEntry program!
This is where you will enter your 4-H/FFA static exhibits, clothing, communication, livestock, and stalling and bedding information.
You will notice the 2025 Livestock Stalling and Bedding form will be the first thing you see. If you are not exhibiting livestock this year, please place a 0 (zero) in each required field. If you are exhibiting livestock this year, this is the only time you will be seeing these stalling and bedding questions, so answer accordingly. Place 0 (zeros) in the fields that do not apply to you.
If you have any questions or need help, please give the Des Moines County Extension Office a call at 319-671-7165 and ask for Mary.
Thank you and see you at the fair!
If you don't have a 4HOnline account, sign-in with your FairEntry account: