2025 4-H Fair Entry Online registration is NOW OPEN!

Fair Entry is the site where 4-H members enter all static projects and livestock classes that they plan to exhibit at fair. It is the responsibility of the 4-H member to enter his/her projects.

Checkpoints for registering:

1. Please make sure to enter projects in the correct DIVISION / CLASS.

2. Make sure you are very specific when entering Arts & Crafts project; check for: Fine Art, Needlecraft and General Craft. If you have questions, please refer to the 2025 Warrick County 4-H Handbook.

3. Those showing livestock must also enter into the Showmanship portion. Only 4-H members who have taken the Quality Livestock Care class are eligible to show live animals. This includes members show eggs! Mini 4-H members are not eligible.

4. The requested "school grade" in Fair Entry is the member's school enrollment grade as of January 1, 2025, and not what grade he/she will be entering in the upcoming Fall.

5. There are NO additional fees to enter projects to show at the Warrick County 4-H Fair.

IMPORTANT: Fair Entry Timeline

ALL 4-H PROJECTS - Enter online by Monday, July 1st/will close after July 1st.

Due to the limited amount of time between July 1st and July 14th, your mindfulness will be greatly appreciated. This will help to give the office adequate time to print entry tags, score cards and etc.


HAY Project: enter in Fair Entry on or before Monday, June 24th/will close after June 24th. Members will then need to bring two FULL Ziploc bags (sandwich size) to the Purdue Extension Office on or before Monday, June 24th by 4PM. If you would like to use the Hay corer, call the office at 812-897-6100 by June 14th to reserve a date to use it.

EARLY Projects: enter in Fair Entry on or before Monday, July 1st and projects are due in the Purdue Extension Office for check-in on or before Monday, July 8th by 4PM. Early Projects are as follows: Citizenship, Leadership, Scrapbooking, Genealogy, and Creative Writing.

GARDEN Projects: select and enter in Fair Entry by Sunday, July 7th/will close after July 7th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at the Purdue Extension - Warrick County Office at 812-897-6100. Early project and Hay project check-in is at: 107 W. Locust St., Suite 111, Boonville, IN.

Carla Kidwell, Youth Educator @ kidwellc@purdue.edu

Amanda Mosiman, ANR Educator @ bailey1@purdue.edu

Heidi Kellems, Office Manager @ hkellem@purdue.edu

Heather Robinson, Clerical Asst. @ xxx@purdue.edu

4-H Exhibitor and 4-H Staff Sign-In

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