Welcome to the 2024 Turner County Fair! This site is designed to make entering exhibits for Open Class easier than ever.

The Turner County Fair is August 12-15, 2024. Open Class registration begins August 1, 2024. The deadline to enter the exhibits online is 11:59 pm August 8, 2024.

Check-in for the Open Class exhibits is Sunday, August 11 from 3-6 pm and Monday, August 12 from 8-9 am.

For Open Class general rules and a complete description of each Division, Class and LOT check out the 2024 Turner County Fair Open Class Premium Book.

All exhibits will be released Thursday, August 15 at 9 pm.

Check out the Turner County Fair website for additional information about the 2024 fair.

Thank you for choosing the Turner County Fair to display your Open Class exhibits!

Online Registration Process

The Open Class entry dates are from August 1-8, 2024. Be sure to complete your entries (including the final “Submit” step) prior to the cut-off date. Register all entries for each exhibitor in the family before proceeding to the Payment section (reminder, the Turner County Fair does not charge entry fees). Be sure to click the “Submit” button when you have completed your entries. Entries are not final until they have been submitted. Check your email inbox for a confirmation email with a list of your entries. You will receive a second email when your entries have been approved.

Exhibitor Group (Family) Entry

  • Go to https://fairentry.com/Fair/SignIn/20638.
  • First time user: Click “Not in 4-H and need to create a FairEntry account?” If you are in 4-H you will need to create a separate account for open class.
  • (After that, if you are logging back in, enter the email & Password that you created and click the Sign In link. Keep your log-in information as this will be needed to sign in for each upcoming Turner County Fair.)
  • Enter your email address twice and click “Create Account”. (Important: this must be a valid email address, so that you can receive the necessary confirmation message(s)).
  • Fill in account name, phone number and password. Click “Create Account”.
  • Click "Begin Registration."

Exhibitor Information

  • Click “Individual”.
  • Enter the new individual exhibitor information. Click “Continue” when all exhibitor information is entered correctly.
  • (If you entered/spelled something incorrectly on the previous screen, you have the option to Delete this Exhibitor on this screen.) Enter the information on the Contact Info screen - the only requirement field is Home Phone Number. You can use the same email address that you used to create the account, or an alternate one. If you wish to receive text messages, enter your cell phone number. That number can be the same as the Home Phone Number entered above, or different. Click “Continue” when all contact information is entered correctly.
  • Enter the mailing address information. All fields, except Address continued, are required. (If the exhibitor has the same address as another exhibitor in the Exhibitor Group, simply click “Copy” to add the address to the current Exhibitor record.) Click “Continue” when all address information is entered correctly.
  • If your fair set up custom fields/questions for you to answer, those will be the next step on the progress bar at the top. Answer any questions, and click “Continue”.
  • If your fair requires you to upload any files for your entry, those will be next step on the progress bar. Upload requested files, and click “Continue”.
  • Review your exhibitor information. If any information is incorrect, click the green “Edit” button in the appropriate group to change it. When all information is correct, click “Continue to Entries”.

Creating Entries

Each exhibitor can have multiple entries. One entry must be made for each item, class, etc. For example, if an exhibitor is bringing 2 photographs, 2 entries into the photography class must be created. Once all entries have been created for the first exhibitor, you have the choice of creating another exhibitor in this family (and entries) or proceeding to check-out (submitting the entries.)

  • Click “Add an Entry” beside the correct exhibitor (if more than one has been created).
  • Click “Select” beside the first Department you wish to enter.
  • After you select a department, you will see a list of Classes to select from, and then a list of available LOTS. (Also notice that there are blue "Change" links in case you mistakenly select an incorrect department, class or lot).
  • Click "Select" beside the first Class you wish to enter. Click "Choose."
  • Click "Select" beside the first LOT you wish to enter. Click "Continue."
  • Any questions or file uploads related to the entry in the LOT will be next. Click "Continue" after answering those questions or uploading documents.

When each entry is complete, you have three choices for what to do next.

  • If this exhibitor has more entries to make, you can “Add Another Entry” for the Exhibitor.
  • If all entries have been completed for one exhibitor, you can “Register another Exhibitor” in this exhibitor family group.
  • If all entries for all exhibitors in the family group have been completed, click “Continue to Payment” (although no payment will be collected as Turner County does not charge entry fees) to finalize and submit your entries.
  • Review your entries for completeness and accuracy. (Notice the Summary and Detail buttons at the top of the list on the right.) If there are errors, click on the green Entries section at the top of the page and click "Edit." Click “Continue” when all information is correct.
  • Read the payment instruction. NOTE: Even though you owe no money (no fees are charged) you must click “Continue” to the last Confirm step to submit your entries.
  • Read the information in the "After you Submit" section. You may also have to check a box to "Agree to Terms". Click “Submit” to finalize the entries for the exhibitors in this family group. After you click Submit, no changes are possible to these entries.
  • Sign out of your account.
  • You will receive a confirmation email when the entries have been submitted for approval. You will receive a second email when the entries have been approved.
  • If you need to add more entries, you may do so after you receive your second email letting you know your entries have been approved.
  • Entry tags will be ready and available for you at check-in, in the Open Class Building.

FairEntry Exhibitor, Staff Sign-In

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