We look forward to hosting the 2025 – 30th Annual Montana State 4-H Shooting & Archery Sports Competition on March 7 to March 9, 2025 in Bozeman. Please read the information carefully as it includes a lot of details.

Range Fees: All competitors will each be charged a $15 range fee to help with the increased cost of the facility. The range fee will increase to $20.00 on February 12, 2025.

The cost of each event entry is $14.00. Time slots will be first come first serve. Firing points will be automatically assigned for all disciplines. Be sure to allow plenty of time to go from venue to venue.

Registration is organized by selected from the following disciplines, events and classes:


  • Target Archery
  • 3D Archery- max 1 event


  • Air Pistol: Supported 9-12 or Unsupported 9-15+
  • Air Rifle: 3P: Precision or Sporter
  • Air Rifle: Prone: Sporter
  • Air Rifle: Standing: Precision or Sporter
  • Silhouette: Air Rifle or Air Pistol
  • Smallbore: Rifle or Pistol: Competitor MUST be 10 as of October 1, 2024

You will be prompted to select a timeslot for each event entry. Please keep the location of each event in mind when selecting your timeslot.

If you are sharing equipment, please coordinate your time and firing point.


Airgun Events – Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman

Smallbore Events – Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman

Silhouette Events – Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Bozeman

Archery Events – Big Sky Archery, 77 Laura Louise Lane, Bozeman (approximately 20 min from fairgrounds)

The registration will close on Friday, February 28, 2025 to allow for final preparations for the State Shoot. For registration questions, please call the state 4-H office at 406-994-3501.

Participants: All Participants must be 9-19 years old as of October 1, 2024 and registered members of Montana’s 4-H Program to receive ribbons or other awards.

4-H Individual Awards: Awards will be given to the top shooter in each event, as well as to the top three shooters in each event by the age group entered. Age groups for Airgun and archery events are: 9-10 yrs, 11-12 yrs, 13-14 yrs, and 15+ yrs old. The smallbore rifle event will present awards to the top shooter, as well as to the top three shooters in age groups as follows: 10-12 yrs, 13-14 yrs, & 15+ yrs old.

Sanctioning of 4-H Competition: Our competition is intended to provide a friendly learning atmosphere and to promote the 4-H spirit through fun, friendly, constructive experiences. The 4- H events are NOT officially sanctioned events by the NRA, JOAD, ATA, NMLRA, IBO, etc. Such organizations offer their own highly competitive events. For more information on events sanction by these groups, please contact those organizations directly.


Refunds are offered on a limited basis for those who contact us in writing by e-mail: bigskystateshoot@gmail.com before March 3, 2025. To receive a refund, you must include ALL details regarding your child’s name, address, county, phone number, etc. to identify the cancellation and refund. Refunds will be honored through Montana 4-H Center and will be mailed after the weekend event has been concluded. Certain refunds will be approved through March 14, 2025 ONLY for circumstances out of participant’s control (excessive weather hindering travel, death, or physical injury that restrict participation). Approval and requests for these refunds need to be sent to 4-H Center with supporting documentation.


We plan to use targets which will be scored with an Orion scoring machine. Competitors will need to have a CMP NUMBER for identification. If you have competed before you do have a CMP number already assigned. If you need to locate your current CMP number or register for a new CMP number you may do so at: (go to https://ct.thecmp.org/app/v1/index.php) There is no cost for this number and it will be used in other competitions. If you are unable to obtain this number, we will do so upon receiving your entry form.

Carefully review the “General Rules” https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/shooting_sports/shooting-sports-event.html for specific shooting and archery rules.

If you still have questions, these are the following contacts.

Archery: Squadding: Randy Radke gvarchery@gmail.com 406-539-4903.

Airgun: Squadding: Christy Todd bigskystateshoot@gmail.com 406-813-1684.

Other Airgun questions: Lee Nelson lee.nelson.330@gmail.com 406-579-0612

Smallbore: Scott Francis scott.francis@montana.edu 406-581-6845 or
Tom Everett 406-570-8878

Silhouette: Lee Nelson lee.nelson.330@gmail.com 406-579-0612

Leave message on voice mail machines – calls will be returned during evenings or on weekends. Please remember the volunteers are not usually available during daytime hours so please be patient when waiting for responses.

The 4-H National Competition (ages 14 & up as of 01/01/2025, but can’t turn 19 before January 1 of the current year) will be held on June 22 – June 27, 2025 in Grand Island, NE. Selection of the Air Rifle Team to represent Montana will be done by combining the Sporter scores (3 position & standing) – the 4 top scoring individuals will make up the air rifle team. The 4 top scoring individuals in each of the International Air Pistol and Smallbore Events will be invited to represent Montana on their respective teams.

4-H Membership – All 4-H Shooting Sports members in good standing and meeting with the criteria below are eligible to complete in 4-H shooting sports events, subject to limitations imposed by the specific event and the rules for active membership instituted by their state. Official 4-H enrollment is required.

Note: Participants must be 4-H members to compete in this event. Participants must be enrolled in High School or lower at the time of the event. This is a directive from the Montana State 4-H Council to insure liability coverage etc.

Directions and Addresses:

Big Sky Archery – 77 Laura Louise Lane, Bozeman

From I-90, exit at Belgrade and head south on Jackrabbit Lane toward Baxter Lane and Four Corners. Turn west (right) on Baxter Lane, take the first right (north) onto Laura Louise Lane.

From Bozeman, go west on Huffine Lane to Four Corners. At the intersection, turn right onto Jackrabbit (north) and proceed about 2 miles to Baxter Lane. Turn West (left) onto Baxter, take the first right (north) onto Laura Louise Lane.

Gallatin County Fairgrounds – 901 North Black, Bozeman – Greenway Range and Indoor Arena

From I-90, exit at North 7th Ave. Proceed south on North 7th Avenue to Tamarack, go east (left) to North Black. Turn left into parking lot.

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